3d Addin for Inventor® installation instructions

Install MechanicalSample

Download and installation instructions

If you work in a company, please ask your administrator if you are allowed to use MechanicalSample.

Virus free

MechanicalSample.dll is 100% fours-free. The file can be opened at any time e.g. be scanned online by VIRUS TOTAL!

MechanicalSample creates 3 new tabs. One card each in parts, drawings and assemblies for IV2015 to IV2025

Place .dll file

Create a new folder: C: / Temp / MechanicalSample (be sure to write correctly!)

Download the zip file for the correct version from the download area and unzip it in this folder.

If you do NOT install on C: / you have to manually change the load path in the .addin file according to your path. Simply rename the .addin file to .txt file and enter your path where the MechanicalSample.dll file can be found. Then rename the .txt file to .addin. Note that in MechanicalSample the drawing references are set to C: /. You can change this to your path in the options.

Windows Folder options

The .addin file is installed in the folder C: / ProgrammData. This may not be visible. To display it, the folder view must be set in Explorer.

Activate Folder Options-> View-> Show Hidden Files, Folders, and Drives. Restart Explorer!

Place the addin File

Copy the  MechanicalSample.addin  file into one of these folders :

C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Inventor 2024/Bin/Addins.


C:/ProgramData/Autodesk/Inventor2024/Addins. (If not available, the Addins folder can be created here)

Another Inventor® version may also be present

Start Inventor®

Verify Mechanical Sample in the Add In Manager

Deselect blocking

Unblock the MechanicalSample-Addin. Close Inventor and then restart.


MechanicalSample’s license terms must be accepted